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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Old School Bowling Score Keeper

While this was just one of the props of my many projects for this class I took called MCR (Modeling Creation), I call this my best object.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Practicing for Blizzard

So last night I was looking at different companies I might want to apply for.  I am always trying to find new companies I have never looked at before and see if they are offering positions in Modeling or 3D Artist.  After looking through several different company websites and not finding anything I really liked, I decided to go back to Blizzard Entertainment; the company I had decided on a few months back.  I am skeptical however about choosing Blizzard, mainly due to the fact that I have not played any of their games before.  I tried playing a demo of World of Warcraft a couple years ago but I just didn't really see the play factor in it.  I mean really how can people spend hours upon hours and countless $$$ on playing this game?  Is it really that addicting? Well if it is, I didn't want to be sucked up into it.  I recently meant to buy their latest release, Star Craft II, but school was hectic and I didn't have time to invest into it.  Perhaps if it ever drops in price in the near future, I'll give it a go, since I switched to the 36 month program at Full Sail University.  Anyway, back to Blizzard.  Even though I do not play their games, I do however worship their epic Cinematic Game Trailers!  The trailer for Wrath of the Lich King is one of the most beautiful and awesome CG Trailers I have ever seen.  What I love about them is that their headquarters are located in the beautiful Irvine, California and their offices are spectacular.  They also have every job type I could want.  Because I am still pretty early on in my stages at Full Sail, I do not know exactly what area of the Computer Animation world I want to center on, but at this point my choice is Modeling because I am very good at creating inanimate and nonorganic objects.  So for my first crack at creating objects geared towards the tastes of Blizzard, I quickly created this Battle Hammer.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

New Individual Project

So I am currently retaking my 3DF (3D Foundations) class here at Full Sail.  I have about a week left in this class before I am off for my Winter Break.  I'm lucky I get any time off from my nonstop schedule.  I watched the movie The Social Network last night and it inspired me to blog frequently and daily if possible.  And since this blog is devoted to showing off all my creations in Maya, I shall be creating new creations and models weekly.  I will start by uploading all my previous objects I created for a class I took called MCR (Modeling Creation).  For my new individual project for the class I'm taking now, I decided to create Three Individual 300-500 polygon objects or props.  For some reason I started making a gum ball machine but I just didn't like where I was going with it, also I knew that my 2 other objects would have to be with the same theme somehow.  I decided to make something a bit manlier, if that's a word lol. I have created a Roman Sword, a Roman Helmet, and a Roman Shield.  It all started from my mental image of Maximus' Helmet from Gladiator.  I pulled up an image of it on Google Images and immediately started working on it on Maya.  I figured the simplest way was to slice a sphere in half and extrude select faces to create an early rendering of the helmet.  My version is somewhat similar to his but there are still many differences.  I then pulled up an image of a Roman Sword.  This turned out a lot easier than I had expected. Keep in mind that for all 3 of my objects, they must be one solid object.  Meaning that the entire object must be originated from one single shape.  Our teacher gives the example that he must be able to pour water into our object and it should fill every part of it.  Anyway I'll end my endless ramble thats probably making you not even want to see my objects.  I'm first showing all 3 objects with simple colors applied to them.  I'll later show them again when they are all textured.  I haven't figured out how to put the picture below my words but I'll figure it out eventually. Enjoy!