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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Matrix 4 Taglines

Your world is feeble.
Your world is cruel.
Your world is weak.
And mine to rule!

The One is dead. 
All hope is gone.
For that bitter peace,
between Machines and Zion.

The Smith he lives.
He will never die.
So do your worst.
And fight to try.

Matrix 4 Ideas

-The Architect was the one responsible for bringing back Smith.
-In secret, he has been building a new matrix comprised entirely of Agent Smiths.
-He unleashed one in the current matrix as an experiment that sprouted fruitful results.
-He finds a way to bridge the gap between the real world and the matrix.
-His plan is to unleash his Smith army unto the real world and eradicate both the surviving human population and the entirety of the machines.
-Will infect the entire planet.
-All new Smiths still have the absorbing capability.
-A Smith will (probably) absorb the Architect himself.
-Once word of this plan spreads through the matrix and the real world, all will try to take part both good and bad.
-The Merrovingian and the Twins will all return and try to seize a part of the real world.
-Scene will show close up to Neo’s face and his eyes will open showing green eyes.
-He will have fully mastered his God-like capabilities.

Monday, November 28, 2011

My Life as of Now

Hello fellow bloggers.  It has been quite a while since my last post and I applogize for that.  I thought I'd give an update on where my life is as of now.  I no longer live in Winter Park, FL and no longer go to Full Sail University.  I wish I could go back in time to last summer and would just stayed at my current school and changed my major.  I didn't realize just how artistic you have to be in the Computer Animation industry.  I failed both traditional art and computer classes left and right and my life was going downhill very quickly.  I had to get out of there and reconfigure my life.  For the last 8 months I have lived with my parents in Southlake, TX.  I am going to a local community college and I am hoping to complete my Associate's Degree in Real Estate by May of 2013.  I think I'm just going to devote this blog to my future movie ideas and plots for the time being.  I seem to have a trend going with my Inception 2 and Batman 3 ideas.  I will post my Matrix 4 ideas later tonight.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Dark Knight Rises ideas

The Dark Knight Rises
Beginning Plot Ideas

-Camera slowly zooms into Rhaz Algul’s Mansion
-We hear sounds of men fighting and training
-Zooms into building
-We see Bane fending against two League of Shadows warriors
-Bane fights hard and defeats them
-Rhaz Algul clapping from atop on balcony behind him
-Rhaz says “Well done my son.  You have indeed surpassed the expectations of both myself and the League of Shadows.”
-Bane says “I aim only to please you father.”
-Scenes from Batman Begins of Bruce Wayne coming into the League and training under Rhaz.
-Scene of Bruce balancing and fending off warriors.  Full scene introduced.  Camera switches between Bruce fighting and Bane standing in corner observing with a jealous and angry face.
-More scenes replayed as Bruce and Rhaz train, all the while Bane becoming angrier and jealous that he is gaining the gratitude of Rhaz instead of himself.  “Teachers Pet” in a way.
-All the while Bane never speaks a word to his father or to Bruce about his jealousy.
-Bane is away training while Bruce is being inducted into the League. 
-Bane sees Mansion on fire and runs into it to see what is happening and to try and save his father.
-He sees Bruce fighting the imposter Rhaz and realizes his true intentions.
-Before he can make it to the real Rhaz, he gets caught in the debris and fire and scars his body and face and passes out.
-Survives under rubble but cannot move.  Stays alive through pure hatred towards Bruce Wayne and vows to avenge his father and kill Wayne.
-Days pass with no hope of survival until she comes.
-Talia al Ghul (Marion Collard) enters house frantically looking for survivors and her father.  She finds no one but Bane barely alive.
-She manages to retrieve him and take him to the Lazarus Pit.  There he is reborn a new man with nothing but revenge on his mind.  His body is 100% healthy, but he still retains his burns and scars, especially on his face.  Bane fashions a crude mask for himself.

Future Scene Ideas

-Bane will be under the impression that Rhaz al Ghul died in the explosion.  While he and Batman will be fighting at one point in the movie, Bruce will try to explain that he survived and he did all he could to dissuade him from continuing to be evil.  Bane will of course accuse Batman of lying and never believe a word he says.

-A scene in which Bane leads his three tumblers and two military transport vehicles to Arkham Asylum to bust it open and free the prisoners so he may recruit them to be his own personal army.  At one point inside Arkham while Bane is freeing prisoners, he will stop at one certain jail cell titled “Unknown”.  One of the head prisoners who worked with the Joker will ask if he should be freed.  Bane will say there’s no room in his mission for freaks.  Camera will zoom away from his cell down the hallway with the sound of Joker’s laugh.
-Once prisoners are freed, Bane instructs them to put on National Guard uniforms taken from the dead solders.  Bane and his new army will drive right into Gotham City disguised as the National Guard and persuade the Mayor and all the city’s major officials to come with them as a result of a suspected terrorist threat against their lives.
-Bane will lead them all to a location outside of town and issues a statement privately to Batman that he must come and face him alone or else he will publicly declare to Gotham that Batman has kidnapped the Mayor and plans to kill him if Gotham does not accept him again.  For every hour Batman doesn’t show up, Bane kills one city official.

Pending Scenes

-Next scene shows Bane wearing full League of Shadows outfit, down on one knee, and about to receive his recognition as a member.
-Rhaz says “Are you prepared to devote yourself entirely to the code of the League of Shadows to promote peace and justice?”
-Bane says “Everything I have in me, and more.”

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Inception 2 Concept

Last night I watched Inception again on my computer and it really got me thinking about how the sequel could start off.  Plus after watching it again, I picked up on a few things and paid more attention to what everyone was saying.  For instance, I didn't know that Michael Caine plays at Leonardo Di Caprio's Father In Law.  He had been referenced as Grandpa in the movie but never as Dom Cobb's actual father.  It is strange that he would be so helpful to him throughout the movie when he knew that Cobb killed his daughter.  Wow I actually just added more ideas to the sequel as I am typing this.  Well without further due, here is everything I came up with last night for a potential sequel.  Might I say that I am very impressed with everything I thought of.  

Inception 2 Concept Ideas

-Will include all aspects of the dream world from first movie
-Same roles of the people involved: Architect, etc.
-Will introduce a new type of Dream Manipulation.
-New roles include Hackers, Manipulators, and Implicators
-All controlled by a Higher Power in a Global Operation
-Reference is Quantum of Solace. “People Everywhere”
-Mainly targets people who try to impersonate what they do, i.e. Dom Cobb and known associates
-This Organization is apparent in the first movie but unknown to viewers.
-All actions Dom Cobb were part of their plan.
-Mr. Saito is undercover agent of secret organization.
-He never cared about undermining enemy for energy control.
-He knew only way to get Cobb involved was by offering “freedom”
-Little did Cobb know that he was only free in reality at the end.
-This secret Organization has the power to access people’s dreams and actually change them without the process of Inception
-The Hackers, Manipulators, and Implicators all disguise themselves as the subject’s subconscious.
-Subjects never know what is being done to them in their dreams.
-Hackers start by accessing important memories.  They can leave the dream state and enter the mind and empty it of all its past events.
-Next the Manipulators pull out and add in whatever is necessary to change the person into believing that he/she is someone else or who the organization wants them to be.

-Ex. They can access as far back in someone’s life as is necessary to convince the person that they committed a terrible crime so if person is framed, they will have believed they actually did it.  They can actually implicate an entire false event as a memory if needed.
-After the Manipulators have finished, it is up to the Implicators to check for subtle details that the Manipulators may have missed so that the newly formed memory can be “implied” into the subject’s mind as if it actually happened.
-Both the Manipulators and Implicators have the powers of what an Architect could do and more.
-Only flaw in the system is that the Under Cover Agent must be present in the subject’s dream in order for process to begin.

Inception 2

-Before process could be completed, Saito fell into a limbo. He had already given Dom Cobb his word that he would free him and allow him to go home.  When Saito awakes in the plane, his memory is temporary out of focus, therefore causing him to forget his real mission.  Now the SO (Secret Organization) must find a way to finish the job.  It is unclear of what the SO’s intentions are but there is some part of Dom Cobb’s life that they are after. 
-At some point in the movie, Dom Cobb will realize what is happening to his mind but he will keep it to himself.  If he makes known of the SO agents in his mind, they will immediately begin erasing all of his memories.
-He will call back his old team and explain what is happening to him and potentially to them as well.  They will seek out the best MPC (Mind Protection Constructor) to create a very complex form of mind protection that no one, not even the SO can penetrate.
-They will all go into Dom Cobb’s dreams and memories to follow and spy on the SO agents.  The finale of the movie will involve the capturing of an SO agent and going into his mind to destroy the SO.  At which point Cobb and his team will unleash their MPC program in their minds.  All of SO agents in the minds of the team will be immediately hunted down and removed.  But Cobb and his team will have to face the impenetrable MPC program of the SO if they want any chance of permanently destroying the SO all together.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I have finally made Mjolnir, the Hammer of Thor.  I think it turned out pretty good.  The reason I made it is because I have recently become very involved in the comic book world.  I have purchases several comic books and graphic novels in the past week or so including 2 issues of The Amazing Spiderman, a Wolverine spinoff, the fantastic Superman: Red Son by Mark Millar, and Captain America: Winter Soldier.  I have also recently joined the Comic Book Club at Full Sail University.  I have made a few Comic Book related models in the past including Captain America's Shield and Thor's Helmet but this is my best so far.  So without further due, here is Thor's Helmet and Hammer.  NOTE: the Helmet of Thor is not very good but all I had to work from was the Hulk Vs. Thor cartoon.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Transformers Phase Commence

It's been awhile since my last post.  I would say that my Tron Phase has run its course, so it is time for a new phase.  Currently it is Transformers.  I am eagerly awaiting the new TV Spot for Transformers: Dark of the Moon to take place this coming Sunday for the Super Bowl.  Of all the many amazing movies coming out this summer, this is the one I am most looking forward to.  That might change as the months transpire towards May but currently I am very very excited to see any new footage from T3 right now.  So in honor of my new Transformers craze, I went ahead and made my own interpretation of the Decepticon Logo.  This only took me about 10 minutes in all.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Tron Craze

I have seen Tron: Legacy twice now and I am very very obsessed with the whole world of Tron and the grid.  I have begun creating 3D models related to Tron.  Here are 2 I have created so far.