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Monday, November 28, 2011

My Life as of Now

Hello fellow bloggers.  It has been quite a while since my last post and I applogize for that.  I thought I'd give an update on where my life is as of now.  I no longer live in Winter Park, FL and no longer go to Full Sail University.  I wish I could go back in time to last summer and would just stayed at my current school and changed my major.  I didn't realize just how artistic you have to be in the Computer Animation industry.  I failed both traditional art and computer classes left and right and my life was going downhill very quickly.  I had to get out of there and reconfigure my life.  For the last 8 months I have lived with my parents in Southlake, TX.  I am going to a local community college and I am hoping to complete my Associate's Degree in Real Estate by May of 2013.  I think I'm just going to devote this blog to my future movie ideas and plots for the time being.  I seem to have a trend going with my Inception 2 and Batman 3 ideas.  I will post my Matrix 4 ideas later tonight.