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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Lorax & Green Eggs and Ham

A little while ago I became inspired to start modeling characters from Dr. Seuss' books.  For some reason, the first character that popped in my head was The Lorax.  I figured he was one of the more simpler Dr. Seuss characters.  This is a work in progress.  I thought I'd add Green Eggs and Ham for the fun of it.

BFG Gun from Doom Movie

This was my first real complex modeling project that I did for school.  I think it turned out great considering it's all one solid piece.  Meaning it is hollow inside.  It still is missing quite a few details but for a month's worth of work, while learning the Autodesk Maya 2011 software, I'd say it turned out quite well.

Captain America's Shield

I'm thinking of going with a totally new concept with his shield.  Possibly adding a Spear of some type, giving it a more Spartan feel to it.  Tell me what you guys think.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


The Beginnings at Full Sail University

Let me start off by introducing myself and telling all of you my life in a nutshell.  My name is Jonathan Arman McKerley.  My middle name comes from my mom's side of the family, which is Persian.  I am currently 20 years old.  My second name or my nick name is Big John.  For the longest time, all of my friends (even some teachers) have called me by this name.  I guess it's due to the fact that I'm generally much taller and bigger than everyone around me.  Anyway, I am born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee.  Nashville is known throughout this country as being "Music City USA".  That music mainly being country music.  For some strange reason, I grew up being completely opposed to this music and fell into the pop world unfortunately.  Recently in the past several years I have opened up my musical taste buds to country.  The majority of my friends all have music majors in college right now.  I'm the only one with a major on a completely different scale.  In fact, I'm the only one in my family right now getting a degree in something other than business or medicine.  I am currently enrolled at Full Sail University in the Computer Animation program.  Until 5 months ago, I only thought that a Computer Animator was one job.  I was quickly informed that there are many many aspects to this industry and many different jobs associated within it.  While I am very early on into my program, my current area of focus is Modeling.  Very soon I will be posting all of my school and personal projects I have created since my time at Full Sail University.  Stay in-touch as I continually post all of my creations.  Thank you very much for taking the time to read this first blog post and I look forward to getting to know all of my audience!